Menopause Soothing
With this 6 weeks program we’ll aim to improve the FOUNDATION of your heath:
healing the gut,
balancing blood sugar levels and
detoxing the liver.
These steps are imperative for achieving the right hormonal balance.
99% of us women make the mistake to reach for supplements first when it comes to alleviating the symptoms of menopause. Supplements alone can give a minor and often temporary improvement in our conditions. They are to be the final tweak in the whole puzzle. There is no point of spending hundreds of pounds trying this and that supplement you read about or saw in the drug store.
If we have a diet that puts a burden on the digestive system, or drink coke, coffees and consume sweets, the hot flushes and night sweats are unavoidable. We all know how difficult it is to go through the day and function normally if the night sleep has been interrupted a number of times. And this is NOT a norm just because we are Peri- or Menopause. You can have a normal life again.
I was there myself and know how difficult and debilitating the symptoms can be. In my case, they all kicked in rather early and very suddenly. I was so exhausted by interrupted sleep that I was even afraid to drive my daughter to school – my concentration was terrible. I understood what a foggy brain is. Even though I was having a rather healthy diet. Then I told myself that I really need to make a change in my diet. When I applied all the principles of the Menopause healing programme everything failed into place very quickly – through the change of my diet alone, (my environment is pretty much toxic free). I haven’t experienced any hot flashes since then and my sleep is fantastic.
Here is the brief explanation of why you’d need to make all these changes into your diet and lifestyle.
Gut healing – Digestive problems lead to chronic inflammation of hormone receptors and imbalanced gut bacteria.
Blood sugar balance – sugar is a stimulant, and eating it when your adrenals are exhausted adds more fuel to the fire, exhausting them even further. Sugar is a major contributor to inflammation in the body and shutting down hormone receptors.
Liver detox – the liver is responsible for excreting the metabolised (or used) hormones. When the liver is overburned it may not be able to detoxify efficiently, causing hormone imbalance. The liver keeps the ‘house’ clean.
With this 6 weeks programs, we’ll aim to improve the quality of your life and get your normal self back – to feel energetic and happy again.
Please contact me to book an appointment.
How it works:
The course consists of 3 sessions – 1 every other week, (or once a month in case you need extra time).
During these sessions, we’ll discuss all the improvement in your diet and lifestyle around each of the main pillars (gut health, blood sugar balance and liver detox), that will support your hormonal balance.
You’ll learn which foods you’d need to avoid and which to add in abundance to get your health to the next level.
Which drinks (teas and tonics) and supplements would be beneficial for you.
How to start and finish your day. And so much more.
As a side effect, you may lose some extra unnecessary weight.
Detailed initial assessment, (the 1st session will be longer), and 2 more sessions, in person or over the phone - £119 altogether.
Please, send me a message with the best time suitable for you to start working together.
I would be very happy to help YOU feel better.