Happier & Slimmer
in 5 Steps

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You’re busy, busy, and you haven’t found the time to take care of yourself the way you know you should.
You feel stressed, and you’re heavier than you want to be and feel like you’ve lost a bit of yourself somewhere along the way.
You know you want to look and feel amazing, but you aren’t quite sure where to begin – it’s all a bit overwhelming, and you feel you can’t do it on your own.
Your life deserves excitement! And you also deserve to feel great every single day.
If you have your HEALTH, you can do anything. If you feel unwell, everything else feels hard - joint problems, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, pre-/diabetes, etc.
That’s where I come in...
Hi, I’m Vessie, I am Nutritionist (B.Med.Sc.) and I help women and men to get back to their healthy weight, to have more energy and drive, and feel light again.
My Journey:
When I was pregnant I gained 16 kg without changing the way I ate, (I didn’t eat for 2, I am a Nutritionist after all). I expected that the weight would quickly disappear 5-6 months after the birth of my daughter. We had quite a lot of health issues around her – it was a long life-threatening period. I couldn’t leave her alone even for a minute, I couldn’t relax, I was afraid she may stop breathing. And she was crying day and night, oh, man…These were 3.5 very long stressful years. As you can imagine, the extra stubborn weight was still there. Then I decided I couldn’t sweep this under the carpet any more. I applied the principles of this Program. Very soon everything fell into place – I got to my pre-pregnancy weight, started sleeping better, got relaxed and happy again.
Now, I still have some stress from different nature, like everyone else, but I’ve learned how to cope with it – how to eat, move, meditate and breathe. I have other easy strategies too. Most importantly – I don’t live on autopilot; I DO take care of myself, and thus – better for my family. I am a better role model for my child.
I have helped so many women to get back on track.
I CAN HELP YOU too. You can start feeling the way you WANT to feel – and the way you DESERVE to feel - slimmer, energetic and following your dreams.
Imagine being guided through a simple, step-by-step process, knowing what to do every on step of the way to your goals!

(Me - enjoying September sun in Guildford, Sept 2019.
I have kept my weight for the last 6 years after the Program without any efforts. You can do it too. )
Yes, it’s true – we are what we eat. But there’s so MUCH MORE to the healthy living puzzle - the mindset, the habits, etc.
As a client of mine, you’ll learn easy-to-implement strategies that can transform the way you look and feel, get a better understanding of your relationship with food, without feeling:
Deprived, Restricted, Overwhelmed or Guilty!
My coaching program includes Lifelong techniques that will help you:
LOOSE WEIGHT gained through the years and slip into your favourite clothes again.
Help with BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS, incl. pre-Diabetes
Understand why it’s not just about WHAT you eat and NOT ALL calories are equal
Time-saving MENU PLANNING TIPS and healthy recipe ideas suitable for the whole family
How to make an easy plan for EXERCISE THAT DOESN’T INVOLVE spending countless hours at the gym
And MUCH more!
No gimmicks, fad diets, or ‘tricks.’ We know those don’t work, right?
If the diets worked, there would be just 1 or 2 diets, and everyone would be slim. To achieve your goal, you need a COMPLEX approach and POSITIVE MINDSET CHANGE.
BEST OF ALL - you’ll have my SUPPORT and guidance every step of the way as you implement simple changes for life-long success!

What to expect from the Program:
It includes 1 assessment and 4 1-to-1 sessions.
We’ll meet or talk over the phone every other week. If your health condition urgently needs improvement, I am happy to work with you on a weekly basis.
I am based in Farnborough, Hampshire, UK. If you live far from me or in another country, that's absolutely fine - I have clients living across Europe; we could work over the phone - via Viber, Whats App, etc.
At the assessment session:
​ We’ll discuss all aspects of your health, your daily routine and habits
We’ll check your starting pH levels and biometrics – BMI, Body Fat, Visceral Fat %, Body Water, etc.
Then I’ll design a plan that will address the areas that need attention.
During the 4 sessions, (about 60 minutes each), we’ll discuss different topics (I promise you - it will be interesting).
I’ll also recommend:
- The foods and drinks that are beneficial for your condition
- Supplements, if needed
- Meditations that will help your mind relax and tune into the right mood
- Even what to watch and listen
STEP BY STEP, so you won’t feel overwhelmed.

How it works:
We’ll focus on ADDING goodness to your life, not on restrictions. Let's me repeat - ADDING good stuff to your life is our secret weapon! Our aim is every cell of your body to be nourished and you to feel energized. 99% of people associate weight loss with limiting their food intake and spending long hours in the gym. In reality, restriction and deprivation only increase the stress levels, causing chemistry in the body (elevated Cortisol levels and other FAT storing hormones), resulting in even more weight gain.
The program is designed to help you DECREASE YOUR STRESS, (the biggest offender when it comes to extra weight).
It will help you to CHANGE YOUR MINDSET, to make better and conscious choices. We can't work against our bodies and force them. We have to work with them! And before you know it – you’ll feel so much better, you’ll get the drive and the energy to live a meaningful life.
Why does it take 4 sessions: ​The reality is, the not so good habits that contribute to the weight gain or other health problems are often quite a lot. IT TAKES TIME for each new healthy HABIT to become second nature. Just like driving – you don’t learn to drive well in 4 days or a week Probably it took you at least 4-5 months to stop thinking about switching gears, checking mirrors, roundabouts and so on. Now you just do all these in good synchrony without even realizing it. It will be the same after the end of the Program.
The next very important element - ACCOUNTABILITY – I hear this from EVERY client - how important this’s been for them. When you work with professional like me and have a WELL-STRUCTURED PROGRAM - you are not on your own. Remember buying that book that promised you to lose 15lb in 21 days, (or something similar)? I bet you were very enthusiastic at the beginning. Now the very same book collects dust on your shelf. 1st of all this book was not written for you, taking into consideration your personal circumstances and health issues. And secondly – I’ll motivate you, we’ll find solutions for your obstacles, together we will keep the whole process running and make the great changes happen.
You will IMPROVE YOUR DAILY ROUTINE – small twists here and there make a big difference, (like overcoming the 3 p.m. energy slump when you would reach for another coffee/tea and sweets. Or how to start your day. Or which oils are good for you, etc.) Other members of your family could easily apply most of these changes and you’ll get a ripple effect when paying just for yourself. Who wouldn’t like that?
The whole approach is very COMPLEX and holistic – we’ll be working on the mind, body and habits – after, or even during the program, there is a good chance that you’ll embark on ANOTHER POSITIVE CHANGE in different aspect of your life – a new hobby, friendships, even new carrier.
It will be the best investment you’ve ever made – in your own health and longevity. It’s not expensive and you deserve it!

N.B. You could spread the fees in 2 or 3 easy payments. You can check the payment options here.
6 Steps program as a start – 1 assessment and 4 sessions - £350
(It can be upgraded to 8 steps program later on.)
(£2.74 a day – less than a Starbuck coffee!)
I can get even more benefits from the
8 Steps program – 1 assessment and 7 Steps - £560
New: For the 5 Steps Program:
Come with a friend,
have fun together working in a group of 2,
support each other and
you both get discount.
The cost of 1 assessment + 4 sessions per person - £350
We can meet or talk on Viber.
(N.B. Each one of you gets an individual preliminary assessment
and tailored recommendations for your personal health conditions).
Why is the Program unique and better than anything you’ve tried before? (Unfortunately, our GPs don't have the time and training to deal with so important things like diet and lifestyle. Shocking! You only have 5-10 mins appointment slot, that's it.)
Because it addresses EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE, not just your diet. Because it’s a totally NEW MINDSET.
Because you will work with PROFESSIONAL and will not be on your own.
Because it focuses on HEALTH FROM WITHIN.
Because we'll WORK TOGETHER with your body, not against it.
Because you'll have MY ATTENTION, TIME and KNOWLEDGE. I will listen to you and work with you, and YOU WILL FEEL SO MUCH BETTER.
Get started TODAY, your LIFE MATTERS. You can be happy and healthy again!